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Telycam Showcasing New Products and Technology Partnerships at 2024 NAB Show

Highlighted demonstrations of the new 探索SE PTZ摄像机 will feature NDI 6 integration as well as AR/VR workflows in collaboration with Brainstorm

Telycam is pleased to announce the official shipping of its latest technological advancement, the 探索SE PTZ摄像机. 定位为PTZ摄像机领域的领跑者, Telycam will showcase its 探索SE model -- distinguished by its seamless integration of NDI® 6 video connectivity technology and FreeD compatibility -- in booth SU6029 at the 2024 NAB Show.

Telycam will also demonstrate the results of another powerful industry collaboration. Underscoring its compatibility with virtual studio solutions and fostering expanded avenues for creative expression, 探索SE已经获得了头脑风暴的认证. NAB attendees are cordially invited to witness this unveiling and participate in shaping the future of video technology.

* NDI 6演示具有探索SE PTZ相机与嵌入式NDI桥

As one of the vendors selected for the exclusive NDI 6 beta testing program, Telycam is thrilled to lead the charge in advancing camera image quality and showcasing the convenience of embedding the NDI Bridge utility for hardware directly into PTZ摄像机s.

NDI 6 introduces a host of enhancements including 10-bit HDR support and WAN connectivity. 具有完整的本机HDR支持, NDI 6带来了更高对比度的图像, 更宽的色域, 最小的色带, 同时确保与PQ和HLG格式的广泛兼容性. The addition of WAN connectivity is achieved directly via the NDI Bridge utility for hardware, marking a significant step towards establishing true large-scale IP connectivity and simplifying the integration of products with NDI technology, 从相机开始.

在电视摄像亭, visitors can experience firsthand the exceptional image quality and WAN capabilities enabled by NDI 6. Live demonstrations in collaboration with Magewell and distributor MVD will showcase the 探索SE PTZ摄像机 with the embedded NDI Bridge utility for hardware, highlighting seamless integration without the need for additional NDI tools; remote operation; and low-latency transmission within NDI-enabled production workflows. 多亏了NDI 6, Telycam PTZ摄像机s can effortlessly and seamlessly integrate into cloud production environments, 预测提供可伸缩性的未来趋势, 灵活性, 以及内容创建和分发的可访问性.

NDI and Telycam have also jointly organized an 'Ask Roberto' session at the show, 定于4月16日上午11时开始. Attendees will have the valuable opportunity to interact directly with Roberto Musso, NDI的技术总监, 在电视摄像亭. This is a great chance to gain expert insights and guidance on the intricacies of the NDI 6 protocol along with firsthand knowledge about Telycam's range of NDI 6 embedded PTZ摄像机s, including the broadcast-level Explore series and Pro AV-level Vision+ series PTZ摄像机s.

* NDI 6演示具有探索SE PTZ相机与嵌入式NDI桥

除了与NDI 6集成之外, Telycam is pleased to announce its certification by Brainstorm for the integration of Telycam PTZ摄像机s with Brainstorm AR/VR solutions. Demonstrations will feature 探索SE providing both video and tracking data, received frame-by-frame and rendered in real time in Brainstorm's award-winning InfinitySet solution that sets the standard in virtual production innovation. Telycam键盘控制器, V +快乐, will be used to manage both the virtual cameras within the Brainstorm platform and the real 探索SE PTZ摄像机s. This collaboration underscores Telycam's commitment to exploring and equipping its products with advanced features, empowering users to address the evolving trends and needs in video production including the burgeoning field of AR and VR production.

"We are delighted to include Telycam in the extensive list of Brainstorm's certified systems,Miguel Churruca说, 头脑风暴的营销和传播总监. "Our main goal is to provide users with more content creation possibilities, 和Telycam PTZ摄像机系列, 以新推出的探索SE为首, 与头脑风暴的InfinitySet无缝合作, allowing users to create high-quality content even in compact and cost-effective setups."

“Telycam很高兴在NAB 2024上与头脑风暴和NDI合作,珍妮·刘说, Telycam的联合创始人兼营销和销售主管. "These joint workflows demonstrate the stable and amazing image quality and AR/VR compatibility that Telycam PTZ摄像机s provide, 不仅仅是为了广播和现场制作, 但也适用于现场活动, 混合的事件, 公司介绍, 或者教育环境."

关于Telycam ——成立于2014年的Telycam (www.telycam.com)是一个创新的PTZ相机开发人员,重点是R&D. 总部位于深圳, 中国, Telycam offers two main product lines: NDI/IP PTZ摄像机s designed for live production; and USB-based webcams designed for video conferencing. 十多年来一直致力于摄像机行业, Telycam已成为专业AV和广播行业的关键参与者.