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NAB 2024:颠覆性流媒体行业的顶级新技术

Exciting new and (mostly) AI-driven tools and services from NAB 2024 that very specific problems, from shooting great iPhone footage to automatically creating short clips to providing live low-latency translation and captioning to creating customized radio programming to building purpose-driven social communities.

NAB 2024:评估娱乐领域的AI革命

The signal-to-noise ratio in today's relentless AI buzz is far from optimal—particularly at NAB 2024, where the Everything AI vibe was off the chart from the moment the show began—but one session that cut through the noise and swapped hype for refreshing insight and candor was titled The AI Revolution in Entertainment: One Year On…


A lot of products tagged as "AI-powered" were doing exactly the same thing before AI. But labeling their familiar features as "powered-by-AI" makes the same tech seem fresh and innovative.

Bitmovin Live Encoder-Akamai Connected Cloud Integration Promises Lower Egress Costs and OpEx Reductions up to 90%

3月27日, Bitmovin announced the availability of its Live Encoder running on Akamai Connected Cloud, promising increased efficiencies for large-scale streams and substantial reductions in data transfer out (DTO) costs that may translate to as much as 90 percent lowered operation costs overall. 


紧随Netflix和Max的脚步, Disney+ is the latest streamer to crackdown on account sharing to boost subscriber growth and keep the business viable.

流媒体 Sneak Preview: Strategic Trends in CTV Advertising and Monetization With Vevo, 伏波, 光谱, 和DIRECTV

周二, 5月21日在纽约流媒体, 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz will moderate an all-star panel focused on key developments in ad and monetization strategy coming to CTV in 2024 and beyond, Vevo研究高级副总裁的见解 & 市场营销Julie Triolo, 光谱 Reach全球销售副总裁Dan Callahan, 富博广告销售副总裁Jennifer Monson, 以及DIRECTV广告销售合作主管马修·贾米森.

流媒体纽约预览:订阅处方与Philo, 得了, Lightswitch, 和Hub娱乐研究

5月21日,周二,在纽约流媒体,Lightswitch的联合创始人 & CEO of Monica Villar will moderate an all-star panel exploring the ever-shifting landscape of subscription streaming television. Confirmed panelists include Philo Head of Business Development and Partnerships Adam Salmons, 得了营销副总裁Giles Tongue, 以及Hub Entertainment高级顾问Mark Loughney.

新的Tubi流媒体报告揭示了Z世代 & 千禧一代对SVOD的偏好 & 快

Tubi, 福克斯公司的广告支持流媒体服务, 《百家乐软件》发布了调查结果. 在今年的报告中, Tubi, 与哈里斯民意调查合作进行调查的人, provided a deep dive into the behaviors and preferences of today's streamers to help inform marketing strategies. 流媒体的泰勒·内斯勒采访了Tubi的辛西娅·克莱文格, B2B营销高级副总裁, 关于该报告的许多主要发现及其揭示的内容

流媒体纽约预览:痛苦的应用程序与nbc, 赫斯特, 和Hub娱乐研究

周二, 5月21日在纽约流媒体, Hub Entertainment 研究 Principal Jon Giegengack will moderate an all-star panel on streaming app design and the challenges of delivering smooth, 令人满意的, 以及跨一系列平台的一致用户体验. 确认的小组成员包括nbc环球导演, 创意产品香农麦肯齐和赫斯特电视高级副总裁, 流媒体服务安德鲁·菲茨杰拉德. 


StreamingMedia的团队.com and Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation are getting a jump on spring by releasing the Spring 2024 edition of the State of Streaming survey. 这项调查是我们每年两次对整个流媒体行业的调查. Take the survey today and help us understand just how the streaming landscape has shifted in the past six months.


A new study from Hub Entertainment 研究 reveals that viewers are still chasing shows rather than specific streaming brands, which poses challenges for programming providers looking to create a consistent brand identity across various platforms. James Lauzun of MagellanTV and Tom Hurlbutt of Crunchyroll also weighed in on this issue during a recent 流媒体连接2024 session.


Read Part Three of our recap of Evan Shapiro's Q4 keynote earnings analysis from 流媒体连接2024, 在那里,他揭开了大M&像索尼、任天堂、迪士尼、Meta和更多的这样的电子行业玩家.

Evan Shapiro Reveals the Q4 Realities for Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and 更多的

随着第四季度财报电话会议为2023年划上句号,M&电子行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗毫不留情地对这种实时反应做出了回应, 深入挖掘数据,让政治顾问们负起责任, giving 流媒体 Connect attendees an unvarnished view of the industry that they won't get anywhere else. Read Part Two of our recap of Shapiro's Q4 keynote earnings analysis from 流媒体连接2024.

MWC24: 5G滞后,6G和量子等待

Even while telco operators are scarred by their experience rolling out and paying for 5G, 人们的注意力转向了它的继任者6G, 哪个将从2030年开始被采用.

位置 Announces Strategic Local 视频广告 Partnership with Warner Bros. 发现

位置, 业界卓越的本地视频解决方案提供商, 今天宣布与华纳兄弟公司建立战略合作伙伴关系. 发现. 局部性可以接触华纳兄弟. 探索的品牌和平台的全面组合到2024年, 包括TNT体育, CNN and a rich selection of award-winning series and movies on Max and discovery+.


Major media and entertainment companies' quarterly earnings calls ought to pull back the curtain on what's really happening in the industry, 但他们通常会把不讨人喜欢的数据隐藏在专家的说辞中, and the press on hand rarely asks questions tough enough to draw out the real story. 随着第四季度财报电话会议为2023年划上句号,M&电子行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗毫不留情地对这种实时反应做出了回应, 深入挖掘数据,让政治顾问们负起责任, giving 流媒体 Connect attendees an unvarnished view of the industry that they won't get anywhere else.


XR technology is forecast to rocket from a market value of $55 billion in 2023 to $490 billion by 2030, 它既承载着希望,也承载着谜题. 虽然企业对企业使用XR已经站稳脚跟, 消费者应用程序未能摆脱炒作的影响.


在世界移动通信大会上,人工智能是未来的热门话题, operators debated how to recoup money from the millions of dollars poured into 5G networks, 不断加强监管, 更广泛的合作, 并承诺不会重蹈5G的覆辙.


流媒体于2月19日至22日举行了第13届Connect虚拟会议, 2024, 由媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗担任主持人和主持人. 夏皮罗以充满活力的主题演讲拉开了会议的序幕, digging deep into the Q4 earnings call data to hold the spin doctors accountable and giving an unvarnished view of the industry. 其他亮点还包括迪士尼的达纳·麦格劳的主题演讲, 迪士尼广告, Understanding Audiences: How Disney Advertising Leverages Data Science and Insights to Empower Advertisers, 另外还有几个小组讨论了应用流媒体UX设计等主题, 规模化CTV广告, 衡量快的成功, 和人工智能.

富宝起诉华特迪士尼公司和福克斯公司.华纳兄弟. 反垄断实践的发现和附属机构

富博对华特迪士尼公司、福克斯公司提起反垄断诉讼.华纳兄弟. 发现公司. 以及他们的附属机构, alleging that the vertically-integrated media companies have engaged in a years-long campaign to block 伏波's innovative sports-first streaming business resulting in significant harm to both 伏波 and consumers. The complaint alleges that the forthcoming launch of a sports-streaming joint venture steals 伏波's playbook and is the latest example of this campaign.