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回顾:EditShare Lightworks

In this latest installment of our series on alternative NLEs from the perspective of a Premiere Pro editor, 我们来看看EditShare的Lightworks, an NLE as noteworthy for its unique hardware as for the software itself.


让我们快速了解一下Flexible layout选项是如何工作的. 对我来说, the biggest advantage of Flexible view is being able to move the panels wherever I want to within the frame of Lightworks. Being able to move your panels wherever you want is also Flexible view’s biggest downside--things get sloppy really quickly. 没有一个很好的方法来清理它们.

它确实有一些响动, 但是这很简单, 当你打开不同的文件和查看器的东西, 一层一层堆积在一起. One way to prevent that is to enable it to spill over to the second screen.

Lightworks does recommend that you use two screens that are at the same resolution. 我在这篇评论中没有这样的设置. I found that if I moved the window on my laptop and stretched it across to my external monitor, I could not make the window on the higher-resolution external monitor go all the way to the top and the bottom. 它限制了它只能是一条直线, 所以我在这里画了一个信箱效果. 这不会破坏交易, 但这是要记住的, that using two screens with this software is going to be a little different than you’re used to because with Premiere Pro, you can grab a panel and move it anywhere you’d like to without having to worry about screen-size differences.

你可以在左下角看到 图9(下面), 红鲨, 它是Lightworks公司的吉祥物吗, 不时提供关于如何更好地使用软件的提示. These are easily toggled on and off in the preferences or with the green dot shown in 图9, but it’s helpful to have these when you’re getting learning an application. 当您使用某个命令时, the shark will appear and offer a relevant hint that may help you in what you’re trying to do.

图9. 鲨鱼吉祥物不时跳出来提供有用的提示.

On the left you have a toolbar with fairly self-explanatory icons (下面的图10). 在这里,你可以创建一个序列或者进入你的项目浏览器. 您还有一个导出选项, 在Premiere Pro术语中, 是导出媒体还是打开Adobe媒体编码器. Lightworks does not use a separate application for any functions; it’s all built into the NLE.

图10. 工具栏图标


Flexible view的另一个优点是房间. In 图11(下面),你可以看到我有一个下拉菜单,设置了两个房间.

图11. 房间

房间就像Premiere Pro中的工作空间. You can have a preset arrangement of different panels and quickly switch among them by just clicking that drop-down button and going to whichever room you’d like to work in. That’s a nice workaround if you don’t have an easy-to-use, two-screen view. You can flip back and forth and have a full screen of your timeline.


For now, let’s go back to the fixed view and walk through the four screens. Lightworks中的第一个屏幕是LOG(图5). 这很简单. Anyone who’s logged footage before on an NLE will know what to do here. You’re basically pulling in files from storage somewhere and putting them into bins. 你可以把东西分类, 您可以更改元数据, 你可以读取时间码, 您可以在这里预览所有文件. This is where you go to begin your edit to get your files in order.

Following the workflow of a typical project, next you’d move to the EDIT screen (Figure 6). Editing should also fairly self-explanatory to editors familiar with Premiere Pro.

在功能上有一些不同. 为一个, I had trouble learning the keyboard shortcuts because some of the shortcuts seemed kind of unusual and I also found that just to find them, 实际上我不得不回到主屏幕, 进入设置, 然后转到键盘快捷键. 为了找到任何东西,我必须搜索所显示的列表 图12(下面), 如果我不知道我在寻找什么, 为了找到我要找的东西,我不得不浏览一大堆清单. 这是相当低效的, but once I mastered the keyboard shortcuts that I really use a lot, 从那以后我就没事了.

图12. 对键盘快捷键列表进行排序


对我来说, one of the most satisfying things about the EditShare control surface is the ability to scrub through a track and hear the audio at varying speeds. 我知道这很有噱头, and I know it’s kind of meaningless because scrubbing is scrubbing, but I just like the old-school feel of being able to hear that as if I’m scrubbing an actual tape.

The control panel has a jog wheel that lets you carefully scrub frame by frame, 然后你有一个更大的调整播放速度. It scrubs up to several times, but then it will go silent once you get into the higher speeds.

This article continues our series of reviews of alternative nonlinear editors from the perspective of a longtime Premiere Pro editor with a look at HitFilm Pro from FXhome.
This article continues our series of looks at alternative nonlinear editors from the perspective of a longtime Premiere Pro editor. 在这篇文章和视频中,我们将探索Vegas Pro 15从MAGIX.
保罗Schmutzler looks at Blackmagic Design's DaVinci Resolve editing and color grading solution from the perspective of a longtime Premiere Pro editor.