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  • January 3, 2022
  • By Jenny Chau Chief Solutions Officer, Channel Factory
  • Blog


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As an Asian American, 在新冠肺炎疫情最严重的时候,针对亚裔社区的犯罪不断增加,这对我产生了深刻的影响. 这让我重新审视自己的日常生活——无论是个人生活还是工作——从我送给孩子的书和玩具到我所消费的媒体和内容. What stood out was the lack of diversity amongst all of them. 

This is not surprising. Over the past two years, the world has seen an uprising against social injustice, from the Black Lives Matter movement to #StopAsianHate. 这些反对社会不公正的运动将媒体缺乏多样性这一话题推到了风口浪头. In fact, according to a recent survey our team put together, 60%的消费者会对一个品牌感到更积极,因为他们知道他们在包容性和多样化的环境中做广告. 

This shows the clear need for diversity in the media industry. Consumers have become hyper aware 他们最喜欢的品牌所拥有的价值,比以往任何时候都更有社会意识. And, like me, most of us are taking a hard look within, which is manifesting itself in what today’s consumers want, need and prefer to align with. 

A study by Facebook IQ 发现71%的消费者希望品牌在其在线广告中促进多样性和包容性, however, 54% do not feel culturally represented in online advertising. 那么,媒体行业如何以正确的方式加强和支持不同的社区呢, without looking like a tick box exercise?

Why Diversity in Media Matters

For starters, in its annual diversity report, UCLA has estimated that the minority share of the U.S. population is growing by nearly half a percent each year. 这表明媒体行业越来越需要优先考虑内容的多样性. 如果没有包容性,广告客户就会错失大量人口的目标. 品牌和营销人员不仅要冒着疏远潜在受众的风险, 但我们的行业在DE的未来将扮演更重要的角色&I. 

Media can be used as a force for good, 推动行业发展,向年轻一代展示代表性的重要性. Diversity can bring new stories to the table, allowing younger generations to see minority creators as role models, 尤其是那些没有看到像自己一样的媒体专业人士的人. 内容是一种强大的媒介,可以帮助品牌接触并与消费者互动 more than a billion hours of content being consumed on YouTube each day. 该行业有责任确保这是包容性的.  

Partnering with Diverse Creators 

在媒体行业中为少数创作者创造一个安全的空间可以带来更好的媒体景观, with varied viewpoints. In 2021, film casts 在所有年龄在18-49岁的种族群体中,至少有21%的少数族裔的在线收视率是最高的. 这项研究表明,少数群体将多样化的内容放在首位. However, the same report showed that only 1.5 out of 10 show creators and 3.1 out of 10 lead actors in scripted TV are people of color. 对多样化媒体的需求是存在的,但该行业正在努力满足这种需求. 

与不同的创作者合作可以将他们的想法和故事推向最前沿, allowing for more diverse content and representation in the industry. For example, Mastercard and Channel Factory recently executed a campaign, 在全球范围内寻找创作者,并与他们直接合作,围绕万事达卡的支柱创作内容. The team used inclusive inclusion lists, 以不同的内容创作者为特色,让广告与他们的内容一起运行, promoting inclusivity and positivity, alleviating bias throughout the industry. It is vital that we are not only open to ideas, but acting on them and putting ad spend towards diverse creators, looking to them as experts in representation. 

Committing to Socially Conscious Causes 

消费者更愿意支持那些支持他们认为对自己很重要的事业的品牌. In a survey conducted by Channel Factory earlier this year, 69%的消费者更愿意购买致力于社会意识事业的品牌的产品,比如向慈善机构捐款或在气候变化问题上表明立场. 对于品牌来说,在社会不公和“热门话题”问题上采取立场——从土地百家乐软件管理到气候变化——以吸引消费者是很重要的. 

一种平衡的包容性方法对未来广告活动的成功至关重要. Looking forward, 媒体行业需要创造一种新的“规范”,在这种规范中,多样性是联系所有群体的关键,也是代表所有人和故事的关键. However, this will need to be done with authenticity. 为品牌营销人员和广告商寻求与行业发展, 现在是时候重新评估核心价值,优先考虑创意的多样性了, content, targeting, and overall strategy.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Channel Factory. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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